Signs of a Pill Bug Infestation – Clues to Look For


Pillbug is a creation that has adapted to live on land. You can find these creatures in Tildenville as well. They are also referred to as trolley poly because when they feel threatened, they wrap themselves into a curveball or a tightball. 

They are found all around the world, and in the United States, Armadillidium vulgare is the most common species. They have seven pairs of legs. Two antennas are there, too. As for their body shape, it is oval in shape. When they roll themselves into a ball, then they become round in shape. 

The most recognized feature of these creatures is their backs. Their back is made of seven plates, which is quite challenging. About their eating habits, they come under the category of scavengers. They feed on plants that are dead. 

Very occasionally, they harm the plants that are in their growing stage. While these bugs do not really bite humans or cause harm, they can still be a nuisance around the house. If they infest your home, you can contact pest control in Tildenville. Professionals have the needed knowledge on how to get them off your property safely. 

What are the signs of pill bug infestation? 

If you see sliding doors, then pill bugs can quickly get in. If you even see one pill bug around your house, you should not feel better about it but rather be concerned about it. This is because it can mean there is an entire population outside, which makes it likely that more of those creatures will get inside your property in no time. 

If you want to stop this, you need to contact professionals as soon as you can. Another thing you should know about pillbugs is that they cannot survive longer if they do not get moisture and food sources. So try to keep your place free of moisture and keep all the food items away from them. Some of the signs are listed below:

  • If you have fruits that look damaged or plants or shoots are damaged, it can be because of pill bugs.
  • Any furniture items or planters can be a good place for pill bugs to cause infestation
  • If leaves look half-eaten or chewed, it can be because of these bugs.

How can you get rid of pill bugs?

There are various ways to get rid of pill bugs, and one of those ways is to lessen the moisture around your place; here are some tips on how you can do that:

  • Keep firewood as far from your home as you can. 
  • If there is mulch, it should not be more profound than two inches. Furthermore, mulch should be away from home.
  • If you have flower pots, keep them off the ground. 
  • If there are trees, keep their limbs short.  
  • Crawl Spaces should be checked, too, to make sure they do not become abodes for pillbugs. 
  • Gutters should also remain away from the property. 
  • You need to reduce dampness around and outside your house. Any small spaces with dampness can attract pill bugs. 
  • If you see decaying material around your house, remove them all. It is an excellent source of attraction for pillbugs. 
  • Diatomaceous earth can be used to get rid of damp places where they might hide or stay. 
  • Make a garlic solution and spray it on areas that are wet. It will make pill bugs go away. 

What are the prevention techniques to avoid pill bug infestation?

  • The drainage system needs to be improved significantly if it is not already. 
  • If there are gaps or crevices, get them fixed. 
  • If you want to plant some trees, make sure they stay some distance from your house.
  • Get rid of damp items around and outside your house.

Worried about pill bug infestation? Contact an exterminator!

It is always better to seek professional help when there is an infestation at your place. While you might try different ways, sometimes they either may not work or you might end up causing more harm. Therefore, exterminators can help you significantly in such situations. 

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