Questions to Ask a Roofing Contractor


We all need the services of a local roofing contractor at some point, and with so many roofers out there, it can be challenging to make the right decision. If your roof is in need of some attention, here are a few questions to ask any potential roofing contractor, which might help you make the right decision.

  1. How long have you been in the industry? Ideally, the business would be well-established, such as the expert roofing services in Woking, who have been proudly serving the local community for more than 40 years.
  2. What Are my options? There are usually a number of repairs that could be carried out, and with the roofer explaining the options and then giving you his professional opinion, you should be able to make an informed decision.
  3. Do you offer a warranty? The likely answer would be yes, and it should be at least 10 years, if not more. A reputable roofer would give you a 25-year warranty on a new roof, and would guarantee all of their work.
  4. Can you provide me with some addresses of previous projects? This is your best indication of what to expect, and by chatting with the occupants, you will have a clear idea of what to expect.

If you get the right answers to the above questions, you can proceed with some confidence that you are dealing with a reputable roofing contractor. If you would like to set the ball rolling, a Google search will bring up a list of local roofers and you can take it from there.

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