Flea and Tick Control in Kansas – What You Need to Know!



Fleas and ticks are two of the largest pest control issues in Kansas. If you have fleas on your property or if you are having a tick problem, contact a local pest control company.


Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They are most active at night and will bite humans, pets and other animals that come in contact with them. Fleas can cause severe allergic reactions in some people who have flea allergy dermatitis (FAD).


Ticks are a common problem, both in Kansas and nationwide. They can carry a variety of diseases and transmit them to humans, pets, and wildlife. In addition to heartworm disease, ticks may also carry Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis (a milder form of Lyme), and Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). These diseases can be very serious if left untreated or passed on while caring for someone with an active infection.

Tick Control in Kansas: What You Need To Know!

Treatment and Control

The first step to controlling flea and tick populations is to treat the property. You can use a pesticide or other means of eradication, such as freezing or heating areas where ticks live. If you’re not sure which method is best for your situation, consult with an exterminator who specializes in this area of pest control.

Once you’ve treated your home and yard, it’s important that you keep pets away from these areas until they’ve been cleared by professional cleaners (or until the pesticide has dissipated). This will prevent any further infestation from occurring later on down the line!

If you have fleas and ticks on your property, contact a local pest control company.

If you have fleas and ticks on your property, contact a local pest control company. They can help you get rid of them by treating your pets as well as the yard where they live.

Pest control companies will also do inspections to make sure that all areas of your home and yard are properly treated. This is important because if there are still fleas or ticks in those areas when treatment begins, it could cause problems for people who live there as well as pets who may come into contact with them during their normal day-to-day activities (such as walking around outside).


If you have fleas and ticks on your property, contact a local pest control company. Get rid of them once and for all! Don’t let these pests continue to ruin your life.

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