4 Tips for Safeguarding Your Roof in the Winter


Winter weather can be as brutal on unprepared structures as improperly dressed people. The Insurance Information Institute reported that 2020 saw $930 million worth of insured property damage that arose from winter storms and conditions. Roofs are especially vulnerable to the ravages of icy winds, freezing and snow. Their function is to shield structures, so they are more exposed to and bear the brunt of the impact of blizzards and other weather events. To minimize the harm your roof sustains in the winter months, here are four easy tips you can apply.

1. Remove Accumulated Snow and Debris

When too much of it piles up, the weight of snow may cause your roof to collapse inwards or the gutters to fall off, especially if there was already other muck residing on the roof before the snow settled on it. If it melts and then refreezes, it may form ice dams, which can cause severe structural damage such as leaks. It is important to remove twigs, dirt, leaves and other detritus from the roof and gutters periodically to avoid this and ensure the gutters can do their job, and doubly important to do so before a predicted storm. As soon as it is safe to do so after snowfall, clear the snow off of the roof using a stick, roof rake or some other tool. There are also experts whose services you can employ to remove it if you don’t feel safe doing so yourself.

2. Ensure Your Attic is Properly Ventilated

If you have an attic, you need to make sure it has good ventilation. Without it, moisture can accumulate more readily in the room, possibly damaging the underside of the roof, insulation and walls. If you don’t already have roof vents, you can install them or have someone install them for you. The two main kinds are exhaust vents and intake vents. It is not uncommon to have more than one.

3. Enlist the Services of a Professional

Get your roof professionally inspected. A roofing professional is trained to spot out damage and potential problems like weak spots or missing shingles. You can then address these issues before they worsen naturally or from the pressure exerted by a storm.

4. Remove Nearby Nature Hazards

Trim branches that dangle over your roof from nearby trees. This will keep them from falling off if hit by heavy winds or too much snow and harming your roof. If trees close to the building seem as if they might fall under a little force and crash into the roof, remove them.

Winter storms pose a structural threat. Taking precautionary measures can help you safeguard your roof.

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