5 Things You Need To Know About Buying a Home


Do you want to buy a home?

Before you commit purchasing any property, take time to educate yourself to what you are getting into. Buying a home involves one of the most significant choices you will ever make in your lifetime. For that reason, you should not do it in haste.

Being informed when buying a home is important as you avoid making financial decision blunder. And if you are not sure how to go about it, get Sydney surveyors to guide you through the buying process.

To prevent unnecessary stresses and negative surprises, here are five things to do before you purchase a home.

Understand the actual value of any property you are buying

Many first-time buyers’ errors at this stage as they are not aware of the actual value of the property they plan to buy. That’s why you see them spend so much money on relying much on sellers and banks, which are not flexible in adjusting prices. It would be wise working with an estate agent who understands the market value in your area to avoid overpaying for your home.

An estate agent can furnish you with the right information that prepares you beforehand what to expect. For example, there are additional fees apart from the purchase price, such as inspection and appraisal costs.

Make Sure Renovations Were Done with Permits

If you find out the home you plan to buy had a renovation without a permit, that’s a red flag. Seller’s excuse for not having a permit may mean the repair was not done in the right way. Also, it means an inspector did not review the work, and that’s something you should not tolerate in your new home.

There are many reasons that the seller may try to avoid getting an inspector involved, but whatever the reason it is, you should not proceed with the purchase. Purchasing a home means spending a long term or a lifetime investment, and therefore, you don’t want issues that you may regret later.

Buy a Home you can afford

Be keen to avoid getting excited by the deals you get as it can be different from the price your mortgage company thinks you can afford. At the start, things may look rosy, but you never know what might happen in the future. It is good to talk to your mortgage broker to explain to you everything as there are a number of factors, including interest rates, your projected income, mortgage type, and the market.

Home Inspection

Before you settle on any deal, have a home inspection done to see the condition. It’s okay if you hire a professional inspector as they understand what to look and give detailed feedback from what they see. That helps in case the house needs some repairs to know what type for you to stay prepared. Important areas to look are drainage, floors, foundation, structural integrity, walls, electrical, home system issues, and plumbing.

Title Insurance Policy

Mortgage companies will ask for a title insurance policy that defends you against adverse claims by previous owners. Before the coverage is given, the title company performs a search first. And when the search is found to have a problem, the seller is responsible before any proceeding is allowed.


Buying a home should never be a daunting experience if you have done your assignment the right way. Remember to buy home insurance, don’t forget to be protected against any eventuality, get Praetorian home insurance and save up to 40% on your home coverage. Make a lot of consultation with the right people until you exhaust every channel possible. It may sound like a lot of work, but it’s worth the kind of investment involved.

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