How To Ensure Your DIY Home Renovations Are Safe


What causes 37,000 E.R. trips a year?

Nail guns.

While nail guns are wonderful tools for quickly completing home renovations, they also pose serious risks. Used improperly, they can cause painful puncture wounds and even death. Luckily, by training yourself on proper nail gun operating procedures, you can prevent any injuries from happening in the first place!

Are you about to complete a DIY project at your house, and you want to make sure you do things as safely as possible? Then you’re in the right place! In this short guide, we’ll show you all of the top safety tips and tricks, so you can successfully complete both large and small projects in your home.

Read on to learn how to be safety conscious during home projects.

Use Personal Protective Equipment

Sometimes home renovation shows make large projects seem easier than they are. However, oftentimes, even simple projects can be dangerous if you’re not wearing the right type of safety gear. To stay safe while completing your project, you’ll need to wear a quality pair of safety goggles, along with a sturdy set of gloves.

Next, consider wearing a hard hat, even if you’re not doing a major project. Something as simple as a tool falling off a high shelf can cause major head injuries if you’re not wearing protection.

Moving on, make sure you’re wearing the right type of clothes and footwear. Shorts, or flip flops, don’t have any place in a renovation setting. Instead, you should wear long thick pants and a pair of quality work boots.

Protective Equipment for Loft Renovations

Loft renovations are a great example of a project that requires a lot of protective equipment. On top of wearing items to protect your eyes and skin, you should also wear a dust mask.

Ideally, you’ll want to look for an FFP-3 rated dust mask, to give you the best protection. You’ll also need to invest in a pair of knee pads. Last on our list of loft safety tips, you’ll also want to learn how to use crawl boards to move from one spot to the next.

Inspect Your Tools

After you have all of your safety gear in place, the next step is to inspect all of your tools. When you’re checking your powered hand tools, pay close attention to the body casing and handle. If you see cracks, or wear and tear, in the handle or casing, you’ll need to repair it before using that tool.

Trying to use a faulty power tool can cause all sorts of injuries from such as puncture wounds, and electrocutions. After you’ve inspected all of your tools, the next step is to double-check your skillset.

Are you sure you fully understand how to use each tool safely? If it’s a new power tool, read the operator’s manual thoroughly before you attempt to put your new knowledge to use.

Next, it’s always a good idea to ground your tools by using a 3 prong plug to avoid electrical shocks. YOu can even replace open front plugs with dead front plugs for added safety.

If you’re going to be performing outside work, only use extension cords that are specifically made to be outdoors. Lastly, when you’re done using your tools, keep them in a dry, safe location.

Do Your Research

Once you have all of your tools ready, you can begin researching your project. Double-check that the renovation you’re planning adheres with your city’s, and HOA’s, codes, and guidelines.

Next, find out what the weather will be like on the day you’re doing the renovation. Avoid working in rainy conditions, or on days where temperatures are so high, you could get heatstroke.

Know When to Call the Pros

Are you working on a project that requires a lot of electrical or plumbing knowledge? Whenever you feel like you’re in over your head, it’s a good idea to call in a professional company. Trying to complete a project that’s above your skillset will wind up wasting your time, while also jeopardizing your well being and safety.

However, before you hire just anyone to do the job, call around to a few places first to get comparison quotes. Finally, only work with reputable companies that have liability insurance and use home renovation contracts.

Ladder Safety Tips

Do you have a few home renovations to complete the require the use of ladders? Before you use the ladder, inspect it for any signs of damage. Pay close attention to the quality of the ladder’s feet. If the rubber on the feet is falling off, you’ll need to replace the foot before using the ladder.

Next, remember that slow and steady wins the race when it comes to using ladders. Be keenly aware of where your feet are at all times and don’t rush things, no matter how badly you may want to.

Be Alert and Hydrated

Moving on, you’ll also need to pay attention to your state of mind when you’re completing home projects. If you’ve been working on the project for a while, and you’re starting to get tired, it’s more likely you’ll make a mistake.

Instead of risking an injury, take a break and return to the project when you’re fully recharged. The same line of thinking holds if you’re tired because you had a rough night. Go take a nap and then come back to the project with a fresh set of eyes.

Lastly, remember that DIY projects are tough to work on, and you have to give your body the hydration and fuel it needs. Take frequent water breaks, and don’t skip any meals. The better you care for body and mind, the easier it’ll be for you to stay alert and focused

Keep Your Home Renovations Safe

Now you know some of the best safety tips when it comes to completing home renovations. Since using faulty tools is never a good idea, make checking all of your tools a priority this week.

Thoroughly inspect your powered hand tools, ladders, and any other items you’ll be working with. Set aside any tools that you notice need repairs, and resist using them until they’re fully fixed! For more helpful homeowner tips, explore the rest of this site.

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