How to Prepare Your Garden Before a Property Viewing


If you want to sell your house fast you need to prepare for property viewings properly. Buyers will judge the house you’re selling from the outset. From the moment they arrive to the moment they leave you need to ensure your property is persuading them to buy.

First of all, in order to leave an indelibly positive impression on potential buyers of your property, it is necessary to adequately prepare the lawns and garden. The front garden and driveway will be the first parts of the property to be viewed and it’s well known in the estate agent industry that first impressions count. We spoke to zoom property buyers and they told us it is most certainly a factor in their valuation process.

Being in a rush to sell your house might encourage you to skip on the finer details; however, this would be a mistake. Potential buyers will be paying attention to the particulars and so should you if you want to get a good price.

The Driveway

Start by pressure washing or raking your driveway, depending on whether it’s solid or gravel. If there are weeds growing pull them up or burn them away. After dealing with the surface of your drive focus on giving your driveway a well-defined edge. This could be done by cutting the lawn with an edger or by building a drystone wall or something similar.

The Lawn

To attract buyers your lawn should be trimmed and neat, except in areas where it is purposefully the opposite, such as a wildflower area. If the weather is dry water the lawn to ensure the grass holds the deep rich green colour it’s famous for. As with the driveway, give your lawn defined edges through the use of well defined borders.

Flower Beds

Don’t panic. Flower beds need not be overflowing with fabulous florets all through the year. What they need is to be weeded and generally looking like they’ve got some potential. Remove any obviously dead plants and if you can buy a few new ones from the garden centre to give the impression that something is alive.

Potted Plants

Adding potted plants around the front entrance is a nice touch when it comes to selling your home. Again, if you don’t haing any healthy-looking plants take a trip to the garden centre and choose a few homely plants for some fast decoration. It’s these finishing touches that can really make or break a sale.

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