Tiles – More Than Just A Floor Material


If you are planning a renovation or building a new house, floor tiles play a crucial role in that plan. These tiles are more than just mere floor material; they bring a character to your house. So, choosing the right floor tile is very important to give your house the best look.

Now, if you are looking for floor tiles in Sydney they are mainly divided into two types, natural and artificial. Natural tile options are marble, granite, slate, limestone, etc. Now the advantage of these tiles is their appeal. The aesthetics of a natural tile is unmatchable also they are very durable and long-lasting. But the problem is their price, natural tiles are expensive and it will cost you a fortune if you opt for it. So, the artificial tile can be your saviour here. These floor tiles are a lot cheaper than the natural tiles and come in an array of colours and designs. In terms of artificial tiles, you have two major options, either ceramic or porcelain.

Ceramic tiles: Ceramic tiles are made from clay moulded into shape and then fired in a kiln, then finished off with a glaze. Ceramic tiles come in various designs and colour options. The benefits of ceramic tiles are:

  1. Ceramic tiles are very durable, once installed they last for years without any complaint. This is an important reason for its popularity.
  2. Ceramic tiles are extremely moisture resistant. So, they are a very good option for damp areas like the bathroom and basement.
  3. Ceramic tiles are extremely easy to maintain, just wipe the floor regularly and once in a month use soap to clean the floor thoroughly and the tile will stay as new.
  4. Ceramic tiles are available in numerous colours and designs. So, you can mix and match them to do something unique.

Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles are also made of clay, same as Ceramic tiles. But here the clay is more refined and the tile is heated at a higher temperature. Due to this Porcelain Tiles are thicker and durable than ceramic tiles. The benefits of Porcelain tiles are:

  1. Porcelain tiles are also very durable even more than ceramic tiles. So, longevity is not an issue here.
  2. Porcelain tiles have good moisture resistance property too. The glazing on the tile doesn’t let the water stay on its surface and protects your floor.
  3. Porcelain tiles are very easy to maintain, just clean them regularly and the tile will shine as new.
  4. Porcelain tiles are also available in different colours and designs.

There is not much difference between a ceramic tile and a porcelain tile, they are quite alike. The only difference is the construction process and due to that, there is a slight difference in prices too.

So, if you are looking to buy cheap floor tiles in Sydney then these artificial ones are the best option for you. But before you make any final decision, go to your nearest shop and experience the tiles personally. Also, compare the prices of different websites and shops and then go shopping.

So, give your house a new look with tiles.

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