How Landscape Design Can Improve The Safety Of Your Property?


Landscaping at most of the well-managed facilities is really attractive. Textures, beautiful colors and a wide range of plant heights can delight the eyes of the visitors while bidding them a warm welcome. The benefits offered by good landscaping are plentiful. This article describes some of the ways how landscaping in Turramurra can improve the safety of your property.

  1. Directing pedestrian flow and safe traffic: Perfectly placed arbor-es, shrub lines along the walkways and other important features can make it clear for people from where they should enter your property. Besides, properly designed landscapes also offer clear lines of vision that are required for efficient and safe traffic and pedestrian movement. Apart from that, by planning the right landscape, it becomes possible to keep the properties free from thorn-bearing plants, low limbs, tripping hazards like irrigation heads, potholes or plant stumps and overgrown shrub beds.
  2. Managing run-off flows and drainage: Landscaped areas and lawns absorb and slow down the runoff naturally. But when storms hit, the properties can be deluged with rain, which can be hazardous for people. In this situation, good landscaping in Turramurra can be really helpful. A good landscape contractor helps to create good run-off and drainage options that can minimize all the hazards caused by muddy or wet drives and walks.
  3. Lighting up the night: With good outdoor lighting, it is possible to accentuate the focal points and design elements in the landscapes. But good lighting is also helpful for creating functional walkways, paths, and entrances.
  4. Decreasing the crime rate: Several studies point to the fact that landscapes with more trees have less crime. So, with proper landscaping design, it is actually possible to increase visual security in the areas where there is appropriate camera surveillance.
  5. Reducing fire hazard: Landscapes that are designed properly can offer fire breaks, drivable green spaces, and alternative water sources. All these things allow great access for emergency vehicles in case of a fire breakout.
  6. Creating waiting areas: People often look for spaces to get out of the sun during the summer days to take rest. So, decorating your property with tables, chairs, and benches in the shady areas in and around your property can be a vital part of landscaping in Turramurra.
  7. Keeping away people from certain areas: In case you have landscapes in your property from where you want to keep other people away like different ground level items such as telecom and electrical boxes or from the first-floor windows, you can use dense landscape in the place of fencing.


The basic principles of landscaping are to guide the development of your personal taste and style while encouraging you to have some latest ideas. So, if you are planning for new designs of landscaping or if you are planning to re-vision the existing landscape, choose the locations and landscapes that you enjoy. Besides, by using the right strategies and tools of landscaping, it is possible to plan, analyze and implement great landscape design in a better manner.

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